Energy to Power Your Future
Būtiniausių fotovoltinių sistemų įrengimas sveikatos priežiūros, švietimo ir kitose įstaigose nemokamai
Energy to Power Your Future in numbers:
healthcare or educational institutions
elektros energijos išlaidų sutaupymas
151,4 kW
Bendra instaliacijos galia siekia
Sumontuota fotovoltinė plokštė
3869 t
metus aplinkos cikle sutaupyta 3869 t CO2
Energy to Power Your Future
Menlo Electric Installs Solar System at Aleksandrów Kujawski's Social Center
“The Socialization Centre is a place that creates a home for children whose biological parents are unable to take care of them, due to a family-related crisis. There are 15 children in our home, they come from our county and are mostly siblings who are placed together so as not to break up the family. Last year’s electricity cost of our house was 23,000 PLN, it is estimated that with the use of photovoltaics, it will be about 5,000 PLN. There is no comparison at all, we are simply happy.” - Alina Mikołajska, Director of the Socialization Centre in Aleksandrów Kujawski.
70% of electricity cost savings, 225 tons of CO2 emissions reduction;
Social Center Aleksandrów Kujawski
22 Jinko Solar PV modules, 8.8 kW inverter
Jinko Solar, Luxen
March 2023
Pegasus Shelter Receives 15 kW Solar Power Plant
“Helping those most in need has always been important in our company's strategy. This time we decided to support the oldest farm animal shelter in Poland. Our team installed a 15 kWp photovoltaic installation, which will definitely reduce the Pegasus Shelter's electricity bills.” - Kamil Sankowski, Board Member of Polenergia Photovoltaics.
2366 euro per year of electricity cost savings, 383 tons of CO2 emissions reduction
Schronisko Pegasus in Musuły
38 Jinko Solar PV modules, 15 kW FoxESS inverter
Jinko Solar, FoxESS, Polenergia Fotowoltaika
December 2022
Menlo Electric's Green Energy Project for a School in Sosnowiec
“At Sungrow, we are always interested in cooperating on projects to facilitate access to green energy for all in need in accordance with our motto: Clean power for all. For a project for a school in Sosnowiec, we supplied an SG20RT inverter that will help the school become independent from rising energy costs and continue its vital work.” - Adam Hrycz, Distribution Sales Manager at Sungrow.
50% of electricity cost savings, 511 tons of CO2 emissions reduction
Elementary School nr 15 im. Stefana Żeromskiego in Sosnowiec
81 Jinko Solar PV modules, Sungrow inverter
Proeko Energy, Jinko Solar, Sungrow
June 2022
Menlo Electric Powers Aleko Konstantinov Primary School in Bulgaria with Solar Energy
Thanks to collaborative efforts between Menlo Electric, manufacturer Jinko Solar, and installer company Elsol, the Aleko Konstantinov Primary School will now harness the power of solar energy. By constructing a 30 kW photovoltaic plant on the school's roof, the project enables the school to cover its daily energy consumption. The additional 10 kWh battery storage ensures surplus energy generated during the day supports the school's needs during evenings and nights. This project provides 603 students, 52 pedagogical specialists, and 12 non-pedagogical staff with a reliable and green energy supply.
“Our joint initiative with Menlo Electric “Energy to Power Your Future” is a unique opportunity [...] to show clearly to the young and growing members of our society, how they can be both responsible for nature conservation and also energy independent” - Maria Merdzhanova, Head of Sales for Northern Europe, the UK and Ireland at Jinko Solar
"The photovoltaic plant will not only help us achieve energy independence but also allow us to allocate saved funds toward the development and education of our children" - Principal Mariyana Naydenova
“Our joint initiative with Menlo Electric “Energy to Power Your Future” is a unique opportunity [...] to show clearly to the young and growing members of our society, how they can be both responsible for nature conservation and also energy independent” - Maria Merdzhanova, Head of Sales for Northern Europe, the UK and Ireland at Jinko Solar
"The photovoltaic plant will not only help us achieve energy independence but also allow us to allocate saved funds toward the development and education of our children" - Principal Mariyana Naydenova
100% of electricity cost savings, 844 tons of CO2 emissions reduction
Aleko Konstantinov Primary School, Plovdiv
81 Jinko Solar PR modules, 30 kW Sungrow inverter
Jinko Solar, Sungrow, Elsol Ltd.
May 2023
Abbenseno (Žemutinė Saksonija) vaikų darželio pertvarkymas
"Tai ne tik padeda sumažinti savivaldybės išlaidas, bet ir aktyviai prisideda prie savivaldybės išmetamo CO2 kiekio mažinimo. Iš esmės čia kartu pasodinome nedidelį mišką", - Tobias Faustas, Edemiseno savivaldybės meras.
Per metus sumažintas išmetamo CO2 kiekis prilygsta 370 medžių darbui, sutaupoma 50 proc. elektros energijos sąnaudų.
"Kleiner Hobbit" vaikų darželis
50 "Tongwei" saulės fotovoltinių modulių, 20 kW keitiklis
Tongwei Solar, Deye, GW EnergyTec
2023 m. lapkričio mėn.
Aleksejaus Starčos vardu pavadintos meno mokyklos saulės stotis
"Mūsų mokykloje įrengta saulės jėgainė ne tik padės taupyti elektros energiją ir sumažinti jos kainą, bet ir mokys mūsų vaikus, ką reiškia atsakomybė už aplinką. Sutaupyti energijos ištekliai bus grąžinti mūsų mokiniams, dar labiau padedant juos reinvestuoti į mokslą. Nekantriai laukiame teigiamo šios saulės energijos instaliacijos poveikio". - Irina Bogataja, Aleksėjaus Starčos vardo meno mokyklos direktorė
6000 eurų per metus sutaupytų elektros energijos sąnaudų, 955 tonomis sumažintų CO2 emisijų.
Alexei Starcea vardo meno mokykla
52 fotovoltiniai moduliai, 30 kW keitiklis
Jinko Solar, SolaX, EcoSchimb
2023 m. spalio mėn.
Menlo Electric's Solar Solutions helps Complex of Residential Services for Children and Youth with Disabilities in Piatra Neamț
“We are present in the local market to support our business partners and customers by ensuring the availability of high-quality photovoltaic equipment, such as the reliable 33 kW Sungrow inverter used for the Piatra Neamț project” - Bogdan Stan, Key Account Manager Sungrow Romania.
50% of electricity cost savings, 844 tons of CO2 emissions reduction
Piatra Neamț Residential Services Complex for Children and Youth with Disabilities
75 Jinko Solar PV modules, 33 kW Sungrow inverter
Jinko Solar, Sungrow, Elsaco Group
January 2023
Atsinaujinančiosios energijos tiekimas ligoninei šalia fronto linijos
"Ekoklubui svarbu remti Ukrainos bendruomenes, siekiančias energetinės nepriklausomybės. Tokie projektai jau dabar duoda naudos: jie apsaugo komunalines įmones nuo galimų elektros energijos tiekimo sutrikimų ir leidžia sutaupyti pinigų", - sako nevyriausybinės organizacijos "EcoClub" ekspertas Dmytro Sakaliuk.
"Turėti alternatyvų energijos šaltinį svarbiausiai infrastruktūrai yra nepaprastai svarbu. Tai vienas iš 11 projektų, kuriuos bendrovė šiuo metu įgyvendina Ukrainoje, ir atspindi mūsų nuolatinę paramą Ukrainos bendruomenėms šiuo sunkiu laikotarpiu", - komentuoja Oleksandras Piskunas, "Menlo Electric" generalinis direktorius Ukrainoje.
"Turėti alternatyvų energijos šaltinį svarbiausiai infrastruktūrai yra nepaprastai svarbu. Tai vienas iš 11 projektų, kuriuos bendrovė šiuo metu įgyvendina Ukrainoje, ir atspindi mūsų nuolatinę paramą Ukrainos bendruomenėms šiuo sunkiu laikotarpiu", - komentuoja Oleksandras Piskunas, "Menlo Electric" generalinis direktorius Ukrainoje.
50 proc. sutaupytų elektros energijos sąnaudų, 637 tonomis sumažintas išmetamo CO2 kiekis
Mykolajivo miesto vaikų ligoninė
52 fotovoltiniai moduliai, 20 kW inverteris, 40,8 kWh energijos saugykla
Jinko Solar, Deye, EcoClub, Solar Service
2023 m. lapkričio mėn.
2023 m. rugpjūčio mėn. nuo raketų atakos nukentėjusios Černigovo 3-iosios mokyklos tvarioji energija
"Kai prasidėjo karas, mūsų mokykla tapo bendruomenės prieglobsčiu. Šimtai gyventojų čia rado prieglobstį, čia įrengti suolai ir kilimėliai." Olena Jakovčiuk, Černigovo 3-iosios vidurinės mokyklos direktorė, apibūdindama pirmuosius visiškos invazijos mėnesius.
50 proc. sutaupytų elektros energijos sąnaudų, 637 tonomis sumažintas išmetamo CO2 kiekis
Černigovo mokykla Nr. 3
58 fotovoltiniai moduliai, 20 kW keitiklis, energijos kaupiklis
Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation, Azzurro, Unisolar
2023 m. rugsėjo mėn.
Sustainable Energy for Chernihiv Children's Regional Hospital
“A solar station with energy storage at the neonatal building is a fact of our victory over darkness and the fact that we find new approaches to life and its development during the darkest times. This hybrid solar system will not only be a guaranteed source of backup power supply, it will also help the hospital to be energy independent from the grid despite unfavorable circumstances. This project also has an ecological and economic effect, because it brings thousands of tons of non-generated CO2 emissions and savings on utility costs.”- Yuliana Onishchuk, founder and CEO of the Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation.
5000 euro per year of electricity cost savings, 1139 tons of CO2 emissions reduction
Chernihiv Regional Children’s Hospital
98 Jinko Solar PV modules, 44.6 kW inverter, energy storage
Energy Act For Ukraine Foundation, Garnier, Unisolar
May 2023
Partners supporting the project
Our contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
Affordable & Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Decent Work & Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Other projects
Planting Trees for Every Review: Our Dedication to a Greener Future
At Menlo Electric, we’re committed to making a positive impact on the environment. For each review you leave for Menlo Electric via Google, we’re taking a proactive step towards a greener future by planting a tree. This initiative is a testament to our dedication to sustainability and our determination to offset the carbon footprint. Your feedback not only helps us improve our services but also contributes to a more environmentally-friendly world.
Academy of Energy - Empowering the Future of the Energy Industry
Menlo Electric was part of the XI edition of the Academy of Energy organized by the Lesław A. Paga Foundation. This exceptional educational program brings together industry professionals and individuals pursuing a career in the energy industry. The program offers participants an exclusive opportunity to explore workshops, webinars, and case studies in the fields of energy technology, environmental protection, management, law, and economics. Participants also take part in a final where they have the opportunity to present their solutions to the case studies to a panel of experts. Upon completion of the program, participants have the opportunity to take part in a 2-month paid internship.
Supporting Ukraine: Menlo Electric's Contribution to Polish Humanitarian Action
In April 2021, Menlo Electric donated 25,000 PLN to the Polish Humanitarian Action in support of Ukraine. With an ongoing armed conflict in the region, our contribution helped provide essential food and hygiene products to vulnerable residents at risk.
Volunteers from Menlo Electric Make Christmas Magical With Szlachetna Paczka
In 2022, Menlo Electric supported one of the most well-known Christmas initiatives - Szlachetna Paczka. Our dedicated volunteers worked to bring joy and help to the families in need. Through our efforts, we provided them with essential items like a refrigerator, food, cleaning products, and laundry supplies. Additionally, each member of the family received their dream gift.
Interested in learning how you can join our Energy to Power Your Future initiative?
Get in touch with Nataliia Cherepovska at
Menlo Electric S.A., kurios registruota buveinė yra Varšuvoje, adresu Puławska 2, 02-566 Warsaw, įtraukta į Nacionalinio teismo registro verslininkų registrą, kurį tvarko Varšuvos sostinės apylinkės teismas Varšuvoje, Nacionalinio teismo 13-asis komercinis skyrius. Registruokitės KRS numeriu 0000917564, NIP 5272829241, REGON 368839890, įstatinis kapitalas 103 820,58 PLN, apmokėtas kapitalas: 103 820,58 PLN.
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